

With an ever-evolving menu inspired by our travels and delivered using ethical ingredients, we’re on a mission to prove that delicious food doesn’t have to come at the expense of animals or the planet. All our food is organic and, where possible, sourced either from our garden or from local farms.

Find our menus below, and book a table at the bottom of this page.

small plates menu

Sun to Weds 1PM - 8PM, Thurs to Sat 1PM - 3PM

Click menu to enlarge

5-course tasting menu

Thurs to Sat 7PM

Click menu to enlarge

book now

You can book a table up to 365 days in advance via the booking system below. Make sure you let us know of any special requests or allergies.

Lunch and dinner are open to non-residents. We accept walk-ins for lunch, but not for dinner.

A non-refundable deposit is required to secure a dinner booking.